A school full of narcissistic, selfish, fake, retarted people (specially the rich brats).
South Miami Middle School is and will always be a rats nest.
by lol i hate her October 16, 2018
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A school with mostly good people, but the rest are fake. The school is filled with magnet students, and non-magnet students be jealous. 🥰
The school is filled with some rat-people, but the world is also filled with rats, so no need to worry about people’s personalities.
The uniform sucks tho, so does the dress code.
“South Miami Middle School has a great magnet program
by lol i hate her too February 21, 2019
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South Miami middle is full of lil farts and Lil lexys who like to eat crayons and like to catch butterflies. You will most likely be eating mush in lunch .
South Miami middle school will always be a lil fart.
by Lil Fart101 February 25, 2019
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