A sword so unspeakably shitty you have a hard time holding it.
"duuuuude look at this sord.....so cool"
by BobJoga December 25, 2016
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a flock of mallords..mallords being wild duck..as well as wilde being able to do the Sord..or being in a sord..perhaps a dancelike a wild duck
"man, you're so good at sord"
"oh thanks man, i do the wild duck everyday"
by meggiesnowta November 21, 2008
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Sord is the meaning/ship of SatanXLord. Very cringe but awesome. You have to ship this.
Satan- Hey Lord~
Lord- Hey babe
Satan- *Kisses*
Lord- I'm now gay-
Sord= SatanXLord
by Chloe in 5th grade :) March 29, 2022
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