A social justice warrior, or a SJW, is a predominately female group of far right activists. They don't vaccinate their children and they often believe the world is flat. they use that hippie deodorant shit that doesn't work and they definitely don't shave.
"damn, did you see that Social justice warrior in the news yesterday? She totally lost her shit protesting at that trump rally last week."
by ksldfjsakdfjd April 25, 2019
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A person who is so entrenched in their demonstrably incorrect beliefs. That they value that ideology well beyond the very lives of the people they pretend to care about.
"We have received your registration details. After careful consideration, we are rejecting your personal description as it does not comply with the Loveawake requirement that forbids inclusion of any sexually suggestive text that indicates prurient intent for joining our site."

So your so stead fast in you beliefs that sexual desire from a man is so evil and corrosive; regardless of context. That people should be shelled by Russian tanks before sex with me is even considered an option?


Well aren't you the 'Social Justice Warrior'
by Why Indeed March 20, 2022
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The social warriors is reformation of ideology communism. They're known for their short temper and very strict rules, overreacting and attacking for disagreeing their "right standarts". Typical communism states for sharing any other opinions or disagreeing there will be punishments. Your opinions won't be tolerated, only abide by their "right standarts". Punishments are I. Comment loading attacks, they'll play as a victim and make you the guilty one, unstoppable comments that are impossible to you defend yourself. II. Double it by two, belive or not there are soliders that will make two different accounts to pretend they're friends and of course to attract others and to join solider's side. III. Reporting you and even take this as a lawsuit case. IV. Psychopath making fake stories and loads of fictional statements. V. The inteligent one, playing dirty and smart moves. V. Finding any mistakes on your comment, to reply "your grammar already shows how dumb you are". Understand that this is equivalent to North Korea laws. Only the best defense is that to write "As a black, asian, bisexual, trans, feminist, body positive, Eco-vegan, person" before you will say your opinion only this can make you undefeatable.
Moderator: What's the problem?
Guy: He/She is cursing and always nagging me for no reason!
Moderator: oh i know it's the social justice warriors
by Pucca the :) February 1, 2019
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Someone who believes that women, blacks, muslims, and the LGBTQ community are oppressed and have less rights than white men. A social justice warrior is unfamiliar with the concept of linear time, unable to understand that everyone has had the same rights as white men for generations. A social justice warrior wishes they could have participated in prostests in a time when certain groups actually had less rights than others, so they make up non-existent problems to fight for so that they can feel as if they are doing good for the world.
liberal arts student: did you see those xenophobic police officers shoot and kill that man just because he was muslim?
me: actually, they shot him because he killed 9 people with a machete.
liberal arts student: NO THEY SHOT HIM BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST WHITE COPS #$% *unintelligible*
me: *sighs* stop being such a social justice warrior.
by mrmandalay January 3, 2017
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Definition of a "Social justice warrior":

Adjective (derogatory)
1: A racist, sexist, bigoted, kakistocratic, puritanical, sanctimonous, fascistic, cultural marxist, socialist, post-modernist, cultist, supremacist vigillante.

2: Useful idiot, guiliable, sophmoric, impulsive, reactionary (with little to no knowledge of world history, politics, economics or life experience) who wages war in the online and public arena in the name of "equality".

3. Un/witting cause of great "Joeseph Macarthy"-esque damage to public/private figures by hate mob, ostracisation and shame, deluded in the belief that they are helping the world in their projection of personal insecurites onto others.
Things a social justice warrior might say or endorse without knowing it:
1."Don't tell women how not to get raped, tell men not to rape!"
2. Equality = exclusive benefits and rights for some above others.
by Grumgrash Grogrobash August 19, 2015
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A social justice warrior (or SJW) is a juvenile coming of age who suddenly discovers there’s injustice in the world and demands to know, right now: “OMG!!! Who let this happen?!!!”
A social justice warrior is a privileged college kid who will leave behind all that injustice on first payday in the financial industry.
by fifilarue June 8, 2016
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Fat whiners who lack any competence in STEM fields and use it as an excuse to gripe about the "patriarchy" without providing a sound definition for it.
"If you want to be an effective member in society, join the police. If you want to look like a purple haired slug, become one of those Social Justice Warriors. Trust me, the two are very different."
by The Goodman Scholar September 3, 2016
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