The combination of garbage and urine fumes that passes for air in New York City in August.
I need to take a shower. I'm completely covered in subway smuck!
by jbean October 9, 2003
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When you hit your car and cause damage, but not enough damage to immobilize the vehicle. More than a 'bump' but less than a 'smash'. Typically used as a verb.
"ohhhh, I almost got smucked"


"Sorry honey, I smucked the car on the way home"
by Julie C. December 13, 2003
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To win a game with ease and a very high score, almost to the point of embarrassment.
"The score of that game was 80-2. It was a total smuck!"
by Lizzie February 26, 2005
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a guy that cant pronouce shmuck!
Jeff cant say shmuck right so he is called a smuck
by Lisa December 12, 2004
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to insert your penis into a can of spam while wearing a dress and listening to "you spin me right round" by billy idol.
bobby invited his friends over to smuck with him
by Jason McEnteer November 21, 2007
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(n.) A small plop or pile, usually relating to feces and defecation.
"Mommy! I made poopy smucks!"
by iEatSand June 22, 2007
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to kiss or "smuck" with lips
quimby liked to smuck cocoa on the lips.
by quizna March 24, 2006
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