To “smoke more”, often used in conjunction with weed.
Is anyone down to smork?
by stonedkirby69 July 21, 2020
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An Engrish term for 'smoke'.
"No smorking on corridor or Banning happen on premises!"
by B-Drac August 16, 2003
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Someone who is so smitten, they are acting like a absolute dork. Slightly embarrassing, usually someone who is not an obviously smitten person, hence the lame name Smork.
"You are acting like such a smork, you're definitely smorko over him"

Other variations include being smokro, smorkalicious etc etc.
by kittygrove April 20, 2010
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A smork is an ork that has been ignited and burned until smoldering.
In the Lord of the Rings orks that were burned after battle were smorks.
by Hubba Bubba October 16, 2006
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A Smork is a campfire snack that is similar to the old campfire favorite snack called a "Smore", which is a graham cracker, with chocolate and a toasted marshmallow. A "smork" is graham cracker, a York peppermint pattie and a toasted marshmallow.

Word origin is Smore + York = Smork
Smork is a graham cracker sandwich with a york peppermint pattie and a toasted marshmallow in the center.
by BrettWilliam June 16, 2010
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