when you didnt wipe well
and your in the sun sweatin
and the shit gets crusty.
your out in the sun and your ass has crust in it."slaush"
by chewch dennett December 26, 2008
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To get absoulty drunk.
Last night I got so slaushed
by Ruben Rivas March 10, 2005
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To rub a penis around in the seman on some ones anus
I'm going to slaush your ass
I has my ass slaushed last night
That guy is a slosher
by Dave dude January 9, 2006
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A Dutch saint who is been played off as the famous "Slash"
Slash isn't real, he's based off of a dutch saint named Vunter Slaush
by EMseeG July 1, 2011
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