John- *fap fap fap*
Bill- hey... what are you doing
John- Not slapping the monkey if thats what you think
by Shamingo June 18, 2011
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It is a procedure that involves whacking ones genitals for pleasure and for escaping the boredom of routine life.
Viren Naidu believes in slapping the monkey after a hard days night before he retires for the day.
by Kunal Guha September 6, 2005
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Sexual intercourse. Sex. Sleeping together. Phrase sometimes used in the ghetto.
Guy 1: Dude I just slapped the monkey with Gina last night!
Guy 2: You mean you slept with her?
Guy 1: Yeah!
by Allie222 April 13, 2008
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Jerry slapped his monkey, example of slap your monkey
by meat_beater February 27, 2015
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1. a servant, loser, or lackey, to heap abuse on for any mistakes or failures he or she makes.

2. Status for someone who deserves the beatdown heaped on for
stupid shit they did or stupid shit they said.

Example #1- You stupid fuckin' slap monkey! For that, you earned this ass-beating, motherfucker!!!

Example #2- You punk ass bitch... your status just dropped to the level of a slap monkey.
Now, get ready for a relentless but well-deserved beatdown.
by CDSmith1967 July 11, 2008
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