Adults who cry about their fathers and play "punk rock" featured on Nickelodeon

syn: Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Sum41
They played that Simple Plan song during the credits for Rugrats. They're pretty hardcore, man.
by Dree October 14, 2004
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Verb. When you start to hate your uppermiddle class life.
joe: hey mike being uppermiddle class sucks.. I might becoming a simple plan

mike: yeah so does having nothing at all and living out in the street you assburger
by That other kid May 8, 2007
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a band that lost their integrity when they did a song for the scooby doo 2 movie...fuck that, they never even had any integrity
"i'm a dick, i'm addicted to you"
wow...real mature
by me March 30, 2005
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Simple plan is a pop band that a lot of teenyboppers and preps consider to be punk. There's nothing wrong with being a pop band, just don't call yourself something you're not! Also, they're NOT like G.C or Sum 41. A bunch of "punks" talk about how much they hate S.P because it's pop. Wow, and I was under the impression punk was all about bein who you are...
SP fan: Dude I love Simple Plan!
by Dude I'm Auty March 19, 2005
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Five Canadian guys who can't seem to sing about anything except their daddies ignoring them.
Did you hear the new Simple Plan song? It's about their daddies ignoring them! Who would've guessed?!
by Lady Pain March 1, 2005
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21st century pop band allegedly named punk by their enormous cult following. With their mediocre pop names and their cliche' song lyrics, they are 100% worshipped by their demographic, pre-teen and teenage preppy girls (and flamer guys.) This group of pop icons do nothing more than create crappy music (which is charged to audiences at well over $50 per ticket) and find themselves on television acting like jackasses every chance they aquire for the pleasure of their braindead viewers.
by Omnicient April 13, 2005
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Quite possibly the worst thing ever.
"I heard you're doin okay, but I want you to now" that's what is sounds like since their voices are so friggin high.
All the damn sp fans say "shut up! if you hate them keep it to yourself!". Yeah, cuz deep down you know they suck major amounts of dick.
"My dad hates me, even though he gave me a new lexus and $200 for my birthday."
"Dude, I have to pay for my own car. That'll take years."
"Yeah, but your dad loves you!" (runs out crying with his hands in the air).
Simple plan simly sucks
by Adrian October 2, 2005
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