A : Bro do you remember that incel who used to slutshame women, he now has a girlfriend who sells nudes online. What a simp.
B : I know right, that's what we call a simpcel.
by Othmannnnnnne June 27, 2020
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A simpcel is an offshoot of the incel but projects his own desire for attention from women by attacking men he jealously believes are vying for or already getting the attention he wants.

Like incels, the simpcel uses the term simp unironically to accuse men of doing, saying and/or paying a woman whatever she wants in exchange for some form of attention though typically they attack any men they perceive as less misogynistic than them.

The simpcel tends to overuse the word simp and may or might not be fully indoctrinated into the inceldom.
"I'm done harassing her now. All I ever wanted is that she reads my tweets." - a simpcell
by DVS_Sicarius July 29, 2020
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What happens when you cross a simp and an incel. For example, they might watch titty streamers and give thousands of dollars but not have any successful contact with a girl in real life.
"Yeah he protects every girl like they are his goddess but fails to actually talk directly to them, what a simpcel"
by SamTheSimpcel March 17, 2020
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A simp who is also an incel; Someone who simps for a female as hard as possible until reject, once reject happens they hate women and can’t stand them.
Don’t talk to Tom, he’s a simpcel and he’ll hate you.
by hirosawa March 10, 2020
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a rabid combo between a simp and an incel, only respects the women hes attracted to but still dishes out backhanded compliments as to not damage his toxic sense of masculinity.

a manipulative weasle by nature, they usually have an obsession with WWII or the military, never wash and use deodorant once in a blue moon
a: "hey that new girl your talking to seems nice"
b : "yeah shes not like these other hos, shes still below me tho but i will do anything for her"
a: "damn bro. you're kinda a simpcel"
by ALFX-3 March 19, 2022
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Someone(usually a guy) who manages to display simp and incel traits simultaneously. They have never found romantic success in their lives and treat any girl they find attractive like a goddess. You can often find these people spending hours of their time in Twitch E-girl streams donating money and leaving thirsty comments.
Example: Simpcel: *Typing* "(E-girl) you're outrageously gorgeous. Everything about you is absolute perfection.

E-girl: *Sees message* "Thanks, thats nice of you to say (username)"

Simpcel: "She noticed me... SHE ACTUALLY NOTICED ME!" *starts typing* "Anything for you my love, here's a little gift to show you how much I love and care for you" *Donates $500*

Egirl: "Wow thanks for the $500 donation (username). Thats the biggest donation i've gotten all day. Time to write your name on the top of the white board". *writes name on Whiteboard* "There you go top donation from (username)".

by TheUncommonOne March 9, 2022
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