Shelby is a girl with a great personality and really funny and cute. If you were asked if you would rather taste the best thing in the world or see the most prettiest sight. You would pick taste because you would have already seen Shelby. The most prettiest girl ever.
When you see Shelby she will light up your day.
by Alex6781 August 27, 2017
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Shelby, shelby, shelby is something that can not be described in words it's to emense. Shelby is a smart, gorgues, fascinating, interesting, funny, carasmatuc, loyal, determined, and etc. Shelby is that person u can tell your problems too and will help u no matter what the thing is. She will be There in a time of need. She also thinks she is ugly but in all honesty she is the most wonderful girl in the world. Any guy is lucky to have her even just to see her, she is more precious than a diamond more than emerald. She isn't something not from This world she's to precious, she's like a comet u can only see it once in a long time, she stands out from the rest cause she over shines them. She will bring u joy and laughter, if your having a bad day she is there to light it back up with happiness, she's like a dream catcher, the point of the dream catcher is to catch the bad spirits from flooding your brain with nightmares, Shelby isn't an Xbox or Ps4, she can't be played over and over, she needs a real man that will show her real love, that will lover her in the bad and good of times no matter how she looks, she don't want someone who will look over her she wants u to look with her. If u c I didn't put anything of body type cause your physical status dosent matter and especially when it comes to define the name not the shape or size. Well if u know a Shelby try to hold on to her cause there won't be one the same as a Shelby
(20 year old): dad have u ever seen a Shelby in your entire life cause I haven't

(60 year old dad): I once knew a Shelby

(20 year old son): what happened

(60 year old dad): I was a bad person that didn't know how to treat her, I thought she was like everyone else, but I didn't know the truth
(20 year old son): wow dad how where u so stupid
by Thehomievalentin January 11, 2017
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A beautiful name that means sheltered-town. Also the name of the most gorgeous, outgoing, athletic people! Someone with the name Shelby tends to be truthful, energetic, funny, will listen to your problems and give you great advice! If you know anyone named Shelby, you should hang around them more cause they can brighten your whole day.
Girl: Shelby can you help me with this problem I've been having with my boyfriend lately?

Shelby: Of course! I love helping people with anything!

Girl: Wow, thank you Shelby your so sweet.
by Cum bucket August 5, 2013
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Shelby is the girl that thinks that she's nothing special, but actually extremely smart, funny and pretty. She always knows how to make someone laugh, Shelby is friends with everyone and could talk to you for hours. Shelby is always in a happy mood and you can never stay mad at her.
Guy: "Hey, that girl over there is so nice and down-to-earth."

Other guy: "Yea, she's a Shelby."
by DavisB879 May 5, 2017
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Super gorgeous, logically defying intelligence, loyal to a fault, compassionate person. Shelby is tried and true. She will stick by you through thick and thin. The sister/friend every single person on this planet wishes for. Potential and smarts people would die for. Beauty in combination with elegance. Unique crazy admirable sense of style. Has the ability to wear absolutely anything and not only pull it off but rock it. So smart she could be president. Classy as fuck with a streak of hippie. Earth nugget/granola is the best way to describe herstyle. Looks equally as amazing without a drop of makeup but can transform into a doll with it. She is a social butterfly and can carry on a conversation with anyone. She has an envious amount of empathy and compassion. Shelby literally glows she is such an amazing human being!
Man, Shelby is so awesome! I just love her to death!
by Elliebellie815 April 4, 2017
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Shelby Is the most amazing person you will ever meet. She's beautiful on the inside and outside and doesn't know it. She has beautiful dark brown hair that in her mind doesn't like. Her eyes crinkle when she smiles and it brightens you up every time. She can be the only one there for you when you aren't there for yourself. She can see right through you and know what your feeling and how to make you smile. When you meet a Shelby don't ever let her go because you wont ever find anyone better. ever.
wow she's such a Shelby!
by May 9, 2017
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A kind hearted girl, who is super pretty but will always deny it. She loves to help others, and will always be there. You are lucky to find a shelby in your lifetime. Speaking of Luck, she might not have the best luck, and. She may be clumsy, but she always ends up laughing it off. She gets very mad easily. Don’t mess with a Shelby though, she has a group of 2-7 friends who will never leave her to deal with something on her own. Speaking of dealing with stuff on her own, she will never tell you how she’s feeling, no matter what. She keeps her feelings in, and has her own way of dealing with pain and balencing her life. Even though her life may be falling apart, she will always care about her friends more then anything in the world.
“Wow. I never realized how nice shelby was until I started talking to her.”
by Tusemfootrag #2 December 23, 2018
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