Sheeple is a portmanteau of sheep and people - used to describe people that are dumb and easily manipulated - however it is most often used by people who would more likely meet the definition themselves, so that you would rarely see it used in a factually correct context and the word is shedding away its original meaning and now could be more commonly viewed as simply an insult to individuals or a group
Tom: Those sheeple are not aware that we all are controlled by the Illuminati and reptilians. People are such sheeples...
by steplton December 10, 2016
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A combination of the words sheep and people to form the word sheeple, cos it sounds better than sheep-people. people who act like sheep, just mindlessly following the herd (or the government).
Neil Patrick Harris: Look at these people, amazing how sheeple show up for the slaughter, no one condemning you lined up like lemmings you're led to the water.
Person 1: You look like a Britney Spears wannabe.
Person 2: It's what all the cool kids are wearing!
Person 1: Sheeple.
Bobbi: Don't you think it's stupid that our tax dollars are going to help enforcing stupid rules like Don't Ask Don't Tell?
Priscilla: But the government tells us to, so we have to!
Bobbi: ?!
Wanda: Yes, we shouldn't question what the government tells us.
Bobbi: Why the hell not?
Leanna: The president is all powerful.
Bobbi: Huh?
Kiki: Bow down to the president.
Bobbi: He's PRESIDENT, not king!
Wesley: The government should be followed without question.
Bobbi: Doesn't that defeat the point of a democracy?
Iliana: Follow the government's orders!
Bobbi: Do I even KNOW you guys?
Franny: Heil Bush.
Bobbi: Whaaaat??! You guys have been brainwashed! Bush isn't even president anymore! You're all such sheeple!
by Emi! December 22, 2009
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A group of people that cannot think for themselves, like a flock of sheep.
Bro 1: Dude, don't they have any ideas of their own?
Bro 2: Nah man, they're a bunch of sheeple; being informed isn't trendy.
by Judith Rose April 12, 2010
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Referring to a single individual or group (plural- Sheeples)who believe everything they are told by a religion, a government, or the mass media to be truthful,factual and absolute. A Sheeple fails to question a persons or entities authenticity, authority and or motive. On the political spectrum, sheeples may resemble the Democratic liberal party in the USA in believing that Barrack Hussein Obama is a man of character. Sheeples of the conservative Republican party feign John McCain as a reform candidate for the Presidency. Extreme followers of faith whose actions are deemed acceptable when done in the name of a God are sheeples. Hitler had sheeples. Conspiracy theorists are of the tennent that anyone who tells the truth about anything at all- from Roswell to 9-11 commissions are liars and sheeples. Sheeples want to be led. A sheeple is led. The strongest possibile expression to believe what is most compelling and popular. Sheeples may be brainwashed by tv, radio, newspapers, the government, religion, or God.
The collusion of the media has turned us into a bunch of sheeples who beleive everything that is reported is the unvarnished truth of the matters.

The New York Times and its readers are a bunch of sheeples in believing that the newspaper isn't prejudiced in its content and reporting of news.

Look at all the sheeples at those political rallies.

You are a bunch of sheeples if you really believe we are ever going to see a dime of that $700 billion bailout come back to the taxpayers.

All the sheeples have been abducted by someone or something.

I count sheeples when I go to sleep.

by achranum October 16, 2008
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People who blindly follow others and go with the majority and hate the people who don’t conform with everyone else
I don’t wear a mask everywhere I go because I am not a sheeple
by TT2020 September 15, 2020
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A stupid, pathetic way to call somebody stupid and pathetic.
I don't work because people with jobs are sheeple. Look at them in their commuting herds, baaaaa!
Lend me a hundred, huh?
by No more wire coat-hangers January 31, 2009
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An inability to influnce one's own opinionative thoughts, or processes, due to the overall beliefs/actions of the majority. A 'neo-conformist' typical in America's society. Willful ignorance &/or apatheticness.

A phrase originally coined by William Cooper describing the ill-informed, or dis-informed masses of individuals.

Sheeple commonly depict these traits:

Depravity of recognition, automatic response towards a conflict/event, unquestionable affirmation, surrender upon authority (or authorative figures). The range varies on how convinced the sheeple is in his/her own confidence.
Bill O'Reilly:, we have received a video from Al-Qaeda confirming that terrorist may in fact have set foot upon America; the content in this video also came laced with a warning stating that white collared Americans are a threat to Iraq.


Guy (affably watching Fox News): I wonder if the sheeple are going nuts over this...
by informed12 November 30, 2008
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