The word used for mythical (we think) legend known as T-Man he was known as the craziest sen to ever walk the mean streets of new york city he was murdered in cold blood by stabbed by his friend james patterson (who is not a wingman) his death was avenged by the great frankay who sniped james down in memory of T-Man
You are one crazy sen!!!
by ToMm November 4, 2003
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senny is rhe best
sensen is god
everyone loves sen
by eve_shinobu July 16, 2022
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the name sen means that you have a giant weiner and you are very sexy and hot
Nihada: Sen you are so hot You are such a sen
Sen: Thanks babe
by manetti2 September 28, 2020
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sen a man with boobs.. also knwon as man boobs..
by ashi June 12, 2004
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Adjective. A mong. Someone or something that is spastic and weird.
You're sen.
Look at Wayne Rooney, he's well sen.
by Padster September 2, 2004
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