Yeah, Katelyn got a real case of SBS.
by krizluvazns February 1, 2021
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Special Broadcasing System
Guy: "did you watch the SBS'
Guy 2: "The what now?"
Guy: "The special broadcasting system"
by ikindaepic September 25, 2022
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"Wow, did he really stick that crab all the way up there? He must have sbs."
by FunkyWunky March 9, 2020
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Slavic bowel syndrome - a particular kind of traveller's diarrhoea that is the result of eating incredibly budget foods and consuming excess vodka.
Dan: Oh man, those par-cooked bread rolls I ate yesterday are not agreeing with me.
Joe: Sounds like a bad case of SBS. Can't say you don't deserve it though, you gopnik, you drank 10 shots of 96% vodka as well last night.
by JoamaSecond November 22, 2021
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Jeff:Jack was gonna smash Jenny but then he got scared and got SBS
Jack: Fuck you Jeff
by Trayway_1 October 25, 2018
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"Should be sleeping" much like others such as lol-laugh out loud and Lmao-laughing my ass off.
Specially used in after 1:00 am status updates and tweets as a way to acknowledge you are tired but, obsessive compulsive with social networks.
fb friend: lol, I love Brooklyn nine nine, tell me what you think of it in full detail !!!

you: ummmmm.... sbs


(3:30 am) Wow, I need to read more #sbs
by druid4leaf October 31, 2014
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Square butt syndrome. a symdroms in which your butt is a perfect square
by deardiorybich February 20, 2019
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