A reply given to a question that's expecting a more specific response.
Bob: It doesn't work!
Tech Support: What error(s) did you receive?
Bob: SO MANY!!!
Tech Support: Could you please be more specific
by kRabbit July 27, 2006
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Must be stated in a "my new haircut" voice:

1) When a group of males do something and do not want to disclose the fact that there will only be males there to make females wonder

2a) When you are at a party with snobby ho-faced females who think they are the shit


2b) When you party with a large number of attractive females

Guy (to his guy friends): Hey you guys want to go watch the game at the bar?
Girl: Wait who are you going with?
Guy: Brad, Nick, Joey, Chris and so many bitches...

Guy: Hi. Can I buy you a drink?
Girl: What you think you can just buy me a drink and sleep with me? (walks away)
Guy to his friends: Man, there are so many bitches here, f-this place.


When you party at the playboy mansion.
Guy1: How was last night?
Guy2: Holy Shit! There were soooo many bitches!!!!!
Guy1: Did you hook up with any?
Guy2: Of course I did you dumb shit.
by BMlz November 6, 2009
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A phrase that is yelled, in exultation, upon seeing a plentiful surplus of limes to be utilized in cocktails and other alcoholic mixed drinks later in the night. The perfect ratio of acids to sugars make limes an ideal compliment to any drink.
*Erin opens up Marshal's refrigerator*

"Oh my god, SO MANY LIMES!"
by i81u812didntu? March 5, 2009
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When something said or done is so wrong, that one cannot help but feel disdain for it on numerous metaphysical tiers.

That is to say, it breaches what is considered 'right' in more ways than one.
Person 1: 'I don't know how to tell my girlfriend that I cheated on her with her grandma...'
Person 2: 'Dude, that's just wrong on so many levels'.
by grandad_dwarf March 7, 2016
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If a person inspires such joy and wonder (or happy confusion) that words fail to describe.
by Just words. Damn! March 1, 2018
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so it looks like I'm the only one making definitions for this word?
why is nobody making definitions of "why are there so many definitions of this"
by udontknowmeidontknowu April 28, 2021
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okay okay, so far there is only one, but why will so many people make more definitions for this word? WHY?
why are there so many definitions of this? There are too many. You probably won't even find this definition.
by udontknowmeidontknowu January 4, 2021
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