Silently Laughing at the Office
Jen was SLO over the LOLCat Ben had sent her
by AstridBF May 31, 2013
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San Luis Obispo, California.
A place hereby dominated by Jimferd seeing as he lives there and committs all sorts of evil acts there.
San Luis Obispo . . . that's that place near Pismo, right?
Yea, they're pot is shit there.
by Jimferd November 26, 2003
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SLO is the term used for someone so SLOW they couldn't get to the W. See FOB.
"Hey Richelo, your mom!"
"Aw man, Richelo, you're so SLO!"
by Da Reapaa March 9, 2003
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Fucked up city with crack whores and white trash losers every where. Bitches inhabit this dump.
Fuck SLO, lets go to Pismo or Morro Bay
by Anonymous August 18, 2003
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a Slut-bagHo. Can also be interpreted as slut-bag whore.
J: P you're such a slut-bag ho
by pabslo September 11, 2007
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stands for "sweet liquid orgasm!" used in IMs
by That One Girl January 22, 2003
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