2 girls and 2 boys are needed.
The boys stand behind each girl and do her in the butt, while high-fiving each other over their heads.
The girls must insert a double-sided dildo into their vaginas while grabbing each other boobs.
"I can't believe you did a Mount Rumpke last night; you're sick."

"Everybody wins in a Mount Rumpke."
by LBSig October 2, 2008
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A large donk, the biggest of bootys, the dumper of all dumpers, the Taj Mahal of dumplets
Look at Hooty, dude has a Rumpke on him.
by Shingo121494 May 19, 2020
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A possible acronym for "run, machine-gun player, kill", or a deletrious butt shot achieved while shooting online that is kind of funny.
I had a pig character skin and he had one hit point left. I attacked in a way that made it look like I was biting him in the but and he died. It was a really funny rumpk.
by Legatus 1T-TA1 December 14, 2007
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