Oh wow! i taught my 3 year old sis how to Rule 34 Me!
by lol its koukie February 27, 2023
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If it exists, there is NSFW of it.
Person 1: “Did you know there’s NSFW art of butterflies?”
Person 2: “Of course there is… Rule 34 Lite.”
by Fireline Coyote September 3, 2022
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If it exists, there's a song about it. No exceptions. If something doesn't satisfy this rule, there is rule 35 of music, which states that:
If there isn't a song about it yet, one will be made. No exceptions.
Jim: Why the fuck is there a song about some guy cutting his dick off?
Patrick: Rule 34 of music.
by connorp04 September 5, 2018
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