A game in which two peeople take turns kicking the other person south of the belt until only one is standing.
After a dispute about whether or not Bruce Lee could kick Batman's ass, John and Mike had a game of rochambeau.
by Anonymous May 1, 2003
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(noun): a punch or kick south of the belt buckle; a low blow to the testicles
A rochambeau is tantamount to testicular discomfort. She rochambeaued him for being unfaithful to her.
by weave March 17, 2003
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a punch or kick south of the belt buckle; a low-blow to the corduroy pouch, or testicles.
She was romantically rochambeaued when her husband committed adultery.
The pro wrassler received a rochambeau when his adversary fish-hooked him.
by weave March 19, 2003
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