where a female mixes perioid blood and piss to make a red yellow color.
by Calern7 April 23, 2023
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A person who adores a person or wishes to be a certain way, i.e. a roadman, to such extent that he will morph his social interactions and personality to appease that person. Normally disliked, although if morphed to a sufficient level, can pass of as their morph state being their true self, and there for an agreeable person. Will get defensive when called out for it. Synonym: chav
Person 1: Look at Eeshan, he's so fake.
Person 2: Ye, he acts so against his nature
Person 3: Thats 'cuz Eeshan is a rellower born and bred
by cadenza-urb December 2, 2021
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A female who is both red and yellow boned . Typically of the light-skinned family.
She red and yellow, she's Rellow.
by Moneé May 19, 2016
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A mixture of the colours 'Yellow' and 'Red'
Daniel: Hey dude, do you like my rellow mandarin?

Lupin: Yeah of course dude
by Dylanie March 15, 2023
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