Reili is super nice, but she has horrible teeth. You can fit a block of wood in those two front teeth. She’s part of LASA, but is one of the worst mid defenders the club has ever seen. She’s also a very mediocre dresser. She can’t buy clothes to save her life. She’s cool, but can be bothersome at some points.
Ugh. Reili’s here.
by itsjesuschrist569 April 30, 2019
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A beautiful girl, with stunning eyes that sparkle in the light, a breathtaking face that you could stare at all day, and the best personality ever. She's a one of a kind type of girl and if you get the chance to meet her, keep her, she will bring you more happinessthan anyone ever could. She is the most amazing girl I've ever met and I'm so grateful for her.
"That's my girl Reily. I love her so much!"
by ...damn... May 4, 2015
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A beautiful sweet girl who is very caring and loving. She is the definition of a perfect girlfreind.
"I really love my girlfreind Reily"
by Anon51752 June 2, 2014
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a reily is a guy that will always compliment you at the best times. these compliments can even make you cry. sometimes he's a young nigga hustlin' but other times he could be the sweetest, down to earth guy you'll ever meet. a reily's natural habitat is usually effing the bitches on the slopes or backpacking in dense forest area. a reily will only use Axe dark temptation to wash himself. so basically you can smell him from a mile away, if you're lucky. hanging with the crew is one of his favorite things to do. an outdoorsy guy has to eat every once in a while so he usually dines on donuts or chicken wings and drinks mountain dew. not only is he tall dark and handsome but he's smart af! his blue eyes will memsmorize you into become his sex slave. if you find a reily addicted to rough sex or slinkys, RUN. that is all (:
"omg did you see him? he's totally a reily!"

Girl 1) "he's a riley."
Girl 2) "no, he's DEFINETELY a reily"

"he smells just like a reily"
by Basic_bitch101 January 1, 2013
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v. To have a happy life without hard work, problems or worries.

Some scholars argue that this Riley (originally spelt "Reilly") referred to the character that appeared in a song written by Pat Rooney in 1890. In the song Riley says if he ever became the President of the US then "New York" would "swim in wine when the White House and Capitol are mine."
Some others argue that it was an American poet by the name of James Whitcomb Riley who gave rise to this idiom. Apparently, Riley (1849-1916) wrote sentimental poems about young boys, which were very popular during his time. The poems told the stories of young boys lazing around during the summer without a care in the world — wandering about barefoot, swimming in the river and fishing.
- He got to live the life of Reily after inheriting a huge amount of money.

- While John worked all day, Jack stayed home living the life of Riley.
by ohilovechocolate January 2, 2008
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A gangsta name formd from tha niccname ,,reli" {ah close, real 1} and Reiki. Very spiritual and badass:.
U know Reili?
by LilSlopLoc October 18, 2022
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