REEKA is the worlds most brave swole and blackest man lady known to the African country of WAKANDA he is the father/mother of JUAVARI and is the most powerful being in the universe REEKA is the more powerful then Thanos's snap
REEKA just picked up the Empire state building with his bare hands
by REEKA johnson February 8, 2019
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Pope-a-reeka is used to clear up the smell of sex after having sex on your roommate's couch. It does however do nothing for the stains.
by Swipa August 15, 2012
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Smallest goldfish. A reeka forgets everything under 30 seconds. She loves pink but is very blue. Crries when joy and majid bhai screams at her. Asim is her bestfriend.
Reeka is such a nice pet!
by summerqtie November 23, 2021
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