- Adjective {RANG-ger-ree}

A variation of the internet slang term 'angery', specifically used to describe angry/angery individuals who are also rangas (redheads; gingers). Usually used in the context of rangas responding badly (or ostensibly so) to conversations relating to red hair-related topics such as melanin levels, sensitivity to UV light, temperament, pyromania or sexual desirability.

- Noun

Anger (whether real or purported) as manifested by rangas, particularly in relation to red hair-related topics.
To say that Charles was merely rangery at Jason's continual gibes about his general desirability and his susceptibility to sunburn would be to put things mildy. He was incensed

Like a lot of rangas, Lauren lived in a near-perpetual state of rangery
by Charlemagne1993 July 3, 2020
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