Similar to "Jet Lag" where hours are displaced and adaptation is required to deal with diametrically different time zones.

"Pub Lag" results from a total immersion in various ales and lagers and requires a similar mental and physical adaptation to the lapse of both real time and the enjoyment of the experience.
Oh my god, after that bar crawl I am suffering from some serious Pub Lag. I'm still laughing about Ted wearing that shooting sleeve to play beer pong, and I just woke up for breakfast and it's 8 pm!
by capn emptyhead June 2, 2010
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Feeling as though it is later than it really is due to having gone for a drink in the afternoon.
Person A: "hey, how are you?"
Person B: "I'm OK, but feeling a bit Pub-Lagged, I went to the Live And Let Live at about five today."
by J Kelso December 3, 2006
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