When someone is screaming, raising their voice, and you can tell they are a preacher.
Damn, Mr Jackson Got Preachers Accent.
by dumbolovesdummy April 15, 2021
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All television on-camera news personalities that pontificate and deliver pious news messages or tragic stories with a sober look and serious tone in their voice. They are not the writers of the story but simply the messengers of guilt to the camera.
That tv anchor seems humbled by the drought's impact on the Somali people, but really he's nothing more than a prompter preacher.

Did you hear all the prompter preaches today? They're all saying that higher taxes on me will somehow solve all the country's problems.
by Da Do Run Run January 18, 2021
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Cockroach Priest; enough protestant shinanigans; just open up your church to a homeless person with light features. There are plenty of red heads whom are not protestants. There is a catholic church out there full of blondes laughing at you.
I talked to a pointless preacher about nothing at all.
by Alex phoenix October 19, 2023
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A person who enjoys their own Flatulence and is happy to take a deep breath of their own creation or somone eles.
Guy one: "Yo see that dude just wafted his oen fart to his face, and took a deep breath"

Gut two: "that's a wild thunder preacher, keep your distance"
by AbadChoice December 9, 2022
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