There magnificent word meaning _______

This word can mean any thing
It’s a adjective,noun,verb
I will plouf you.
Stop ploufing around.
Don’t be plouf
by Mrploufsalot June 29, 2019
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AOD autotrader that uses hacked shells.
<plouf> i am teh gayz.
by Anonymous September 24, 2003
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Plouf/ploufing/ploufed is having sex with certain people. These people are normally known as skank, hoe, and whores. The person being called the "Ploufer" is the whore. And the Ploufed is the person that had sex with the skank.
"Damn, I can't believe she got herpes when she got Ploufed."
by Brian Plouf January 1, 2008
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