WARNING - this is a very advanced sex maneuver that only those with the proper training should even consider to attempt

The move starts out with a guy and a girl having sex doggie style
The man initiates the move by lifting up the girl and spinning her above his head like one tosses pizza crust before they cook it - After thoroughly spinning the female around his head (in order to make her fully dizzy) the guy proceeds to stop her, grab her mid-region, and drop her body onto his erect penis penetrating one of her various bodily orifices and immediately ejecting his secret sauce into the previously stated orifice
Fred: "Dude i saw a video of some guy doing the Flying Pizzaria - that chick couldn't walk right for a week!"
Roger: "haha yea i tried doing that once, but im not up to that level yet"
by ATMC April 15, 2010
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pezza's pizzaria is a pizza establishment that is runned by a little jew who has probably know idea what on earth he is doing and why he is doing it.the moron really lacks in the pizza industry and his food sucks ass
do not go to pezza's pizzaria because the food is shit
by dr.smirnov February 17, 2020
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the most insane pizza place i have ever been to, all of the food is bangin
yo lets go get high and get some bangin ass food from goomba's pizzaria
by jeebuss February 25, 2011
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Pezza's Pizzaria is one of the best international pizza businesses that sell the most expensive and luxury pizza with the best tasting dough.

They are the fastest growing pizza chain in the world (and out)and are in all sorts of exotic locations ranging from Tiananmen Square to the Kremlin to Harbour bridges and Mars craters.

Pezza's Pizzaria is created by the one and only, famous filthy frank kid.
Did you go to Pezza's Pizzaria? They have the best pizzas in the world
by ElonMusk607 May 19, 2021
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Meaning of pizzeria in English:



A place where pizzas are made or sold; a pizza restaurant.


/ˌpi tsəˈri ə/ /ˈpɪtsəri ə/
Corsica is a popular holiday destination in the summer, particularly with French and German tourists, and the small towns are crammed with cafes, bars, pizzerias and restaurants.’
‘The chain pizzerias like Pizza Hut and Sbarro are few and far-between for such a populated area; it's as though they have the decorum to lay low in one of the world's pizza capitals.’
‘His foodservice customers primarily consist of distributors, hotels, pizzerias and national account restaurants.’
‘This translates into millions of pizzas ordered from pizzerias - more than 7,000 outlets in all - strung out in a chain across the country.’
‘We rode past small shops and street vendors, restaurants and pizzerias, drinking the atmosphere in with the occasional whiff of good food.’
‘The patties are familiar to New Yorkers who order bland commercial versions sold at numerous pizzerias.’
‘For food, the two would go to fancy restaurants or pizzerias, all within walking distance.’
‘Most of those quaint and charming bookstores have sold out to pizzerias and chain stores.’
‘I enquired politely whether it was possible to buy a pizza at the pizzeria - not an entirely unreasonable request - but was met by a gentle shaking of the head.’
‘The most popular restaurants are steak houses and pizzerias.’
‘Although a meal in smart restaurants such as Nobu and Il Teatro may inflict a heart attack on your bank manager, eating and drinking need not be restricted to cafés and pizzerias.’

Pizzaria (ˈpɪtsəri ə)
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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Founded in the 1980's, this pizzeria has fun arcades and singing animatronics for children! Bring your kids here for a fun birthday party!
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria is in need of employment, specifically night security guards.
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