Term used to describe a shit object, person, experience, place or feeling.
1. (when tired perhaps) damn i feeling like such a pile of wank
2. Dont trust claire she's a pile of wank
3. This film is a pile of wank
by Imak Hunt October 15, 2007
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A term used to describe something when suddenly overcome with extreme sickness or dissappointment. Refers to a metaphor which isn't physically possible...but that just makes it funny as well.
Lewis:oh my god thats a fuckin pile of wank
Lewis's mum:(looks in disgust)what the fucks a pile of wank?!
Lewis:well it's like a pile of shit...just worse
by gfsngfsbngsfgb January 20, 2009
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(adj.) objectionable, economic with the truth.

Literally, the seminal fluid produced after masturbation. See wank.
What that liberal politician said was a big fat pile of wank.
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 1, 2004
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1.A person who is being an idiot is referred to as a 'pile of wank'

2.Someone who is gay

3.Someone who likes to illegal touch children
Person 1: "I'm sorry"

Person 2: "no you're not you pile of wank"
by bluebirdpotatoes April 24, 2018
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