An attempt of mocking a filipino person online or really the country itself, the person calling this out may have lacking information about the Philippines and its people as they are, well, ignorant and usually not a person you would want to talk to. Some people have it better than others, some don't, and this word just ignites a fire of stupid arguments with no particular reason.

Races who generally use this are : Indonesians, Malaysians, Chinese, Japanese, Americans, etc.
Person 1: The Philippines is FULL of POOR PEOPLE living in slums and there is drugs everywhere!
Person 2: All of them have no future and they are just POOR PIGS in a barn.
Person 1: Yeah, the Philippines should just be renamed to Philipenis.
by Moe Lester D. IIecond March 4, 2022
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"You either get it or you don't!" -chao

Created by mjmanella
Y'know, philipenis!
by Pyro81300 December 23, 2020
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From South Philadelphia, reference to those uncircumcized, somewhat irregular cock shapes in that part of Philadelphia. Most Philipeni are never upgraded to near mediocre, are never smelling good, should be cut off and sown to one's forehead so the term "Philipenisunicorn" means something more than it already does.
"Your penis has lumps, is swollen from abuse, drips with pus, is so twisted it could be a pretzel, and with that too-tight foreskin, you definitely have a Philipenis
by Roger Wart April 15, 2005
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