Philip is a man of his word. He will always be there for you when you need him, but he will take his time to realize that you are not ok. He is naive, he is shy, but he cares and he loves to show it. He is everything good in this world, the light of the day and most of all if not a lover he is a true friend. He will never forget you, even if you leave him at some point, he will never hurt you intentionally, but he is afraid to express his feelings, he is vulnerable and that's why you should never hurt gim or leave him. If a very close person to him leaves him, he will not be hurt, he will be devestated.
Philip will always put a smile on your face.
by fuckyoulove June 21, 2017
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He will fuck gwen so hard.
Philip will fuck gwen so hard
by hwhjcssnm November 22, 2021
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I am a philip simp! Everyone is a simp for him !
Me: omg he is so fine cuz he is philip
by Phiipstan1 May 21, 2022
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Communist leader and specialist in the art of IPDA, has a very inconsistent accent
Me: So, do you say mate ironically or unironically?
Philip: Yes
by Trashman kev February 10, 2022
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A boy who uses a ipad for everthing. He is very tall and handsome. He is also good at videogames on his ipad. He some how plays all of them on a ipad even rocket league
You: How do u play on your ipad Philip?

Philip: Idk
by Jonni dock February 1, 2021
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You ever been to a school where you feel uncomfortable reading a book about the south into being peer pressured into saying the n-word, that's SSPJ. You ever been to a school where you want to waste your money on shitty cafeteria food and low quality pizza from a random pizza joint that no one has heard of, that's SSPJ. You ever feel like you will be smote by a teacher in the middle school hall? That's SSPJ. Word of advice, don't waste your precious childhood going to the school, or go if you feel like becoming a band kid and going to BSHS.
Friend: Hey how is Saints Philip and James?
You: My teacher got mad at my when I didn't want to say the N-word.
by GreenBaseballHat August 15, 2021
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