A peepalo is a creepy individual who "peeps" or pries into other people's business without them knowing. After "peeping" into other people's affairs, they "peep" back out into their own cave.

AKA: A harmless/creepy stalker
1-When "S" was sleeping over "K"'s house, she kindly requested that the door of "K"'s room to be locked because she was deathly afraid of peepalos creeping into "K"'s room.

2- When "E" and her friends were eating pizza at a restaurant, she kept "peeping" at the delivery boy. She was being such a "Peepalo".
by Teffi June 11, 2009
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Another name for a chicken, especially a chick. Derived from the fact that they go peep peep peep and are quite low to the ground.
"My little peepalos just arrived from the hatchery, I will set up their brooder with a heat lamp and play with them every day."
by PeepaloGirl April 26, 2023
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