1. Strutting yourself in a peacock manner 2. being very cocky and acting as though you know it all 3. Essentially acting like a fool 4. Extensive amounts of arrogance
Worker 1: I know everything there is to this project.

Worker 2: Well if we simplified it using this method....
Worker 1: We are doing it my way.

{Mess ensues and the the workers have to clean it}

Worker 2: If you hadn't been PEACOCKING IT we wouldn't have had this mess.
by Critchfield April 10, 2014
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Peacocking means dressing for attention. Just like Peacock's use their feathers to get a mate.
Peacocking is meant to make opening a girl easier, but if you're not congruent with your look (like, if you look like you're gay and you try to hit on a girl), wires are gonna get crossed somewhere and you're gonna blow yourself out.
by The Light August 26, 2006
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The act of a male politician waving his tiny dick around in order to grab the attention of his orange neon god.
By filing the failed lawsuit against Vice-president Pence, Senator Josh Hawley was shaking his feathers and peacocking for the lame duck loser president.
by Bugszy January 2, 2021
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Normally an English gentleman - Dresses smartly and to an untrained eye has the look of a preppy - They have exceptional etiquette and are from wealthy backgrounds - Peacock's have class.

They don't shop for Jack Wills or try to follow the trend - they have a unique style.
"Oh yeah you know that guy" - "he's such a Peacock"
by WhynotMike? February 3, 2010
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1) A song by Katy Perry from her album "Teenage Dream".
2) Penis (as implied by the lyrics to the song "Peacock")
Lyrics from Peacock song: I wanna see your peacock cock cock...
by steviep24 October 14, 2010
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verb: To dress in flashy or outlandish clothing to attract women.
alternately: To show off for women.
He's trying to peacock for the ladies, but I think he dresses like a homo.
by Vomitorium November 16, 2005
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a person that would gather attention from a member of the same or different sex.

a person someone would want to "show" their feathers too.
Damn, she's peacockable.
by URVagina April 23, 2011
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