The main obstacle to success in every cubicle-dweller’s life.
PHB_"Well, looks like someone doesn't like having his cheese moved."
PHB_"Oh, that reminds me: you're fired."
by weregopher February 26, 2005
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A Pimp Ho Bro is a small group of people that define the word wonderful. Some one who is a master at being awesome. A full out keeper of the forest. Sometimes found in the local forest dwelling on the deep mountain air.
Stranger: Look at that PHB! He's in the forest sitting on a rock.
PHB: Peace with you son of the earth.
Stranger: Shit son!
by Benjamoox September 24, 2011
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"Pink-Haired Beauty" A term used by Draco/Ginny shippers to describe the two Harry Potter characters' would-be children. It comes from the idea that their kids would have pink hair due to Ginny's red hair and Malfoy's white hair, when mixed together would create pink.
Bystander: "Aww look at their PHB, she's so adorable!"
Harry: *Grumbles and stalks away*
by Cassandra_L_B August 2, 2007
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"pee in her butt" (or i'd phb)used as a term for women, can be both derrogatory and a compliment depending on the situation.
as a derrogatory towards an unattractive women
"ughhh i'd phb"
or towards attractive women
"hey, i'd phb"
by jake strange January 9, 2008
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Post Holiday Blues.

That feeling of depression that you get when you walk into work for the first time after a holiday, particularly after the Christmas period. You don't give a fuck how anyone else's Christmas or holiday was and all you want is a cocktail.

Symptoms of PHB are broad and include: a complete and utter lack of motivation, headache, increased sarcasm and a desire to incite physical violence and/or burn things.
PHB is killing me - I will throat punch the next person who smiles at me today.
by Tits McGillicuddy January 7, 2016
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Acronym: Possible Hot Bastard
Commonly used by lol-whores in an attempt to describe men they find attractive who will ultimately turn out to be some form of jerk, ass, ass clown, dick, dick face, etc.
MILF: OMG, look at that guy over there!

Lol-whore: Oh, that's Mark, the PHB. I'd stay away if I were you

MILF: Nah, I just want a good time anyway.
by JK Lotus August 4, 2009
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