An animal rights organization. Contrary to popular belief, PETA does not stand for "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals," but "Poorly Educated Teen Activists," due to the fact that this organization thrives on the support of gullible preteen emo crybabies who would do anything to help a cause, even if it means ruining a couple lives.

Ingrid Newkirk, a tyranical, psychotic bitch, who claimed, in her will, that she would like her dead body to be barbecued and eaten, runs PETA with an iron fist and only steps out of the shadows for a quick publicity shot. Her gopher-like complexion and high-pitched chipmunk-like voice, laced with a British accent, makes her easy to spot in a crowd.

Newkirk is also known as the Furher of the new Fourth Reich, and the third anti-christ, but these are speculations at best.

Like other radical groups, PETA frowns on free will amongst its members. This is evident on the PETA2 boards, where anything that, and anyone who, does not support PETA's insane mantra is automatically squashed and deleted. This is to prevent the further contamination of PETA's brainwashed "Hitler youth."

The organization has supported many outlandish campaigns, such as the Holocaust On Your Plate campaign and the Your Mommy/Daddy Kills Animals pamphlets they hand out to 2nd graders with the intent to make the kids' parents beat the shit out of the activist who handed out the material.

However, PETA is the most notorious for their bogus (and rather idiotic) "Kentucky Fried Cruelty" campaign, sparking activists across the country to unite in a BS cause that has been disputed over and over again to people who do nothing but cover their ears and go "LALALALALALALA!!!"

Each KFC protest requires three things:

1. Two stick figures and some idiot in a chicken suit.
2. Cardboard signs saying something retarded like "KFC TORCHURZ CHIKIES OMFG!!11!" or "I'M A LOSER WHO CAN'T GET LAID!"
3. The inability to shut the fuck up.

Other PETA protests, not specifically about KFC, can be recognized by the loud-mouthed stick-like vegan dumbasses wearing white shirts and shouting obscenities to no one in particular while holding up "IF U EET MEET U R GAY" signs.

These "stick-like vegan dumbasses" (known as "Petardus Nobrainus" in scientific circles), can be recognized by their pale skin color, PETA logos on everything they wear, and the inability to keep their mouth shut for even the smallest iota of time. If a PETA groupie attacks, lash out with a quick dose of Laughter, or, if that fails, kick them in the shins until they cry uncle.
PETA is a terrorist organization full of whiny hippy crybabies.
by Boxtop June 17, 2006
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PETA, also known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, are hardcore vegans hat will not eat meat. They say they protect and help animals, mostly by euthanasia , which doesn't really help. They don't want you to have pets, they want you to die from not having full fledged protein.
Oh, Karen? She's a hardcore PETA supporter.
by CatInTheFishBowl April 23, 2019
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PETA aka People for the Ethnical Treatment of Animals is a animal right group composed mainly of vegitarians and vegans. PETA is an extremist group who use somewhat violent and obscene tactics to benefit animal abuse and veggie causes.
Paul and Linda McCartney showed up at the PETA demonstration, they were going to help save the whales.
by hippychicky July 29, 2003
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Tits and
For the Locals, This is so descriptive.
by 232343325425435435 August 23, 2005
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PETA has the right idea, but they tend to do a lot of stupid shit. Just because people hate PETA doesn't mean they have to be little bastards and bludgeon baby seals to death like HankanatorX. PETA isn't the only animal rights organization you know.
Vegans and people who care about animals don't always support PETA
by x_Summer_x February 18, 2006
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The largest unified coalition of dumb blondes the world has ever seen.
Oh my god, like, we have to like, totally help all the poor cute animals who are like, totally being abused by evil scientists and stuff.
by Amall June 7, 2005
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