by shit words September 24, 2019
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Pronounced: Ow wey

It is used to describe the great pain that you feel when your friends roast the shit out of you.
Friend: Shut the fuck up your adopted.
You: Owe
Friend: I'm sorry man
by SexySteveFromMinecraft March 8, 2021
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The sound you make when you get hurt.
Person: *hurts*
Other Person: ow
by Phil Philman May 4, 2022
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Used to describe a female ("Other Woman") whom you definitely prefer not to think about when 'referencing' them to your family, friends, co-workers or acquaintances as the person your boyfriend or husband left you for or is sleeping with. Can also apply if you're a gay or a bi-sexual female and another woman is sleeping with your past/current partner or lover.
"I cannot BELIEVE that he/she had the nerve to show up with that fucking OW at the party last night!"
by StephanBer December 18, 2009
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For the most beautiful and caring and sexy woman I have ever known and the woman of my dreams
You are ow ow ow
by Melina333 July 14, 2021
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abrev. for makeout. (especially when parents are around)
when we go to the movies we're gonna mmm ow ow
by Kai_baby April 15, 2007
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