A father that offers his daughter the option of a lap dance.
Father: What you did was wrong and I'm going to have to spank you unless you give daddy a lap dance.
And that is an example of a lap dance option dad.
by Deep blue 2012 November 17, 2009
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Occurs when a gentleman takes a shit while facing the toilet's water system (inverse of typical operation) and a woman nosedives facefirst down on his dick to perform fellatio while the woman spreads her legs so the gentleman has the option to eat a bitch out. The Georgia Reverse is a bold notion that permits the said gentleman to reach around and fingerblast the woman's anal cavity causing double-stimulation that could occur in utmost insatiable pleasure.
Spoken-for boyfriend: Hey slut, want to engage in The AC Slater 69 Blumpkin Option with a backside Georgia Mudslide Reverse?

Random Slut: What is that?

Spoken-for boyfriend: Well, slut, it occurs when a gentleman takes a shit while facing the toilet's water system (inverse of typical operation) and a woman nosedives facefirst down on his dick to perform fellatio while the woman spreads her legs so the gentleman has the option to eat a bitch out. The Georgia Reverse is a bold notion that permits the said gentleman to reach around and fingerblast the woman's anal cavity causing double-stimulation that could occur in utmost insatiable pleasure.

Random slut: Oh my! Why yes, I would like to perform an AC Slater 69 Blumpkin Option with a backside Georgia Mudslide Reverse!
by JackHenryHofstra January 1, 2011
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<textarea class="text optional" aria-invalid="true" placeholder=Type Your Definition Here..." name="definitionmeaning" id="definition_meaning"></textarea> == $0
<small class="error">can't be blank</small>
Person 1: What the hell does "<input class="string optional" placeholder="Word" type="text" name=definitionword" mean?

Person 2: Some dumb fuck pressed submit with a blank entry
Person 3: "<textarea class="text optional" aria-invalid="true" placeholder=Type an example of how it's used in a sentence..." name=definitionexample" id=definition_example">
Person 1: What the hell does "<input class="string optional" placeholder="Word" type="text" name=definitionword" mean?

Person 2: Some dumb fuck pressed submit with a blank entry"
by PixelPlazmaa January 31, 2021
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A board game that consists of a persons life in shambles. Activities include running from police, dating younger homosexual men, calling off work, getting completely wasted and high, proceeding to drive home wasted and high, and mispronouncing words and creating incomplete sentences.
Gee guys, I feel pretty shitty about my life. Let's play "Better Option?" so we don't feel so bad about ourselves.
by AberFitch1220 March 2, 2009
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An optionment is an optional assignment.
Much to my dismay, my students think their assignments are optionments and tend not to complete them.
by Mr. Kotter March 3, 2021
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sick of making choices. very similar to the laziness of senioritis.
I can't decide, man, my optionitis is flaring.
by walkwithme April 15, 2016
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The state of wearing one's mask improperly, so that the nose remains exposed.
Dude I swear every time I see K-money in the hallway, he's going nose optional. Does he even know how to wear his mask?
by John Juices February 13, 2022
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