means not cool, or not clutch. started at Magee Secondary in Vancouver. kids are using this in reference to anything they think is uncool or that sucks.
When CM heard there was a suprise english test, she turned to her friend and said, "sans oeuf!'
by hangman007 October 23, 2008
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The main character in the fanfiction "Oeuf qui Marche's Request" by Xx_vestusindisguise_xX on AO3. As his name implies, he is an egg that walks. However he is more than that, he has a greasy rommate and was somehow able to befriend the fashionable god, Vestus. I've heard him best described as a "nasty Vestus simp"
Oeuf qui Marche ate a sandwich after that intense futboll session
by zestmaxxer75 June 16, 2023
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