2 definitions by zestmaxxer75

The main character in the fanfiction "Oeuf qui Marche's Request" by Xx_vestusindisguise_xX on AO3. As his name implies, he is an egg that walks. However he is more than that, he has a greasy rommate and was somehow able to befriend the fashionable god, Vestus. I've heard him best described as a "nasty Vestus simp"
Oeuf qui Marche ate a sandwich after that intense futboll session
by zestmaxxer75 June 16, 2023
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The current god of Veste. He banished the wäsps back to their swämp and introduced the Veste ™ to the country of Vestuvia.
Vestus worked late into the night on his newest Veste
by zestmaxxer75 July 13, 2023
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