1. When you throw spaghetti at someone.

2. When you get slapped by someone’s noodle
1. HA! You just got noodled!
by Deadliestman619 March 4, 2021
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When you are so high. You look normal
by UnethicalClown February 25, 2017
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Noodled is the point where u smoke so much weed and drink so much that your cross fade causes u to fall on a hardwood floor in the fetal position while people take pictures.
Brandon: "Yo Zac look at Vinny...
Zac: " whoa is he ok? He's drooling on the floor in the fetal position..."
Brandon: "he's noodled bruh"
by OG Druggie March 4, 2017
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To be noodled means to be off your head on: E, Mdma, coke

When your are in the noodle stage your talking utter shit on drugs and don't have a clue what your talking about at this point of being fucked up no one is listening and everyone is literally ignoring you but you continue to talk for no reason, complete utter shite coming out of your mouth
"Haha ya off ya noodle you kid"
"Your absolutely noodled off ya tits"
"Am fucking noodled me"
by Got any valium m8? January 14, 2019
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When you mess up trying to call a sissy loser a limp noodle
Wow, look at Juliette. He’s such a limo noodle.
by Zyanabanana December 20, 2018
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