non-goyim / plural
nän-ˈgȯi- əm
1: a person belonging to a continuation through descent or conversion of the ancient Jewish people
2: one whose religion is Judaism
3a: a member of the tribe of Judah
4: bargain with someone in a miserly or petty way.
1. Non-goyims strive towards World domination.
2. Non-goyims control the media, and the global financial system.
3. Usury and profiteering is the life blood of the non-goyim.
4. Non-goyims Propagate communism.
5. Non-goyims claim to have killed the fictional character Jesus of Nazareth in order to upset the goyims.
6. Non-goyims are poisoning all sources of water on earth using The World Health Organization.
7.Non-goyims specialize in causing wars, revolutions, and calamities.
8. Non-goyims Invented and exaggerating the Holocaust.
by Flowchart September 9, 2022
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