What people say when they never did anything, but obviously, their grammar is no so very well.
by BiggestTurd June 21, 2011
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A faggot that requires intellectual treatment otherwise you will have a living hell.

Other meaning is that when someone did not do something but does not have the intelligence to speak of more grammatical sentences.
When Dilbert saw Layne with a pitch white condom in his ass, Layne said, "I Never!"
by Mike Hockertz November 8, 2018
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A game (can involve drinking sometimes) in which people go around in a circle saying things they have never done. If it's played as a drinking game, everyone who HAS done the thing the person says must drink. Otherwise, everyone starts with all 10 fingers up and puts a finger down if they have done that thing, and first person with no fingers remaining wins (or loses, depending how you look at it).
That game of never have I ever really got fucked up when Scotty said "Never have I ever been gang-banged by prison inmates" and my 14-year-old sister took a drink. Talk about TMI.
by Nick D July 19, 2004
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Never Have I Ever is a well known game but it's also a pretty popular show on Netflix. The main character is Devi, Devi is a 15 year old girl who moved from India to America and is trying to fit in at school after being paralyzed for 3 months and her dad dying after having a heart attack at Devi's orchestra concert.
"Hey do you wanna watch Never Have I Ever?"
by Pizza_bagels101 June 24, 2023
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1) An exclamation of surprise, usually at something shocking or scandalous.
2) A way of saying that you did not, even once, in your lifetime to this point, do a given thing.
Mom: "Son, eat your brussels sprouts."
Son: "I don't like brussels sprouts."
Dad: "You know, sport, life is all about trying new things."
Son: "Well I never nailed a bitch indabutt. Maybe I should try that."
Mom: "Well I never! Peter, I told you never to tell our little boy about your little...ummm...fetish, how you like to stick it in my...ummm...posterior."
Dad: "I didn't. But I think you just did."
Son: "Well I never!" (pukes)
by Nick D May 28, 2004
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A very British and gentleman way of sounding offended and scandalized.
Bob: Lady, you're ugly as sin, if Boris Johnson and you were in a beauty contest, he would clearly win.

Jane: Well, I never!
by Ricardo58 July 3, 2021
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A euphemism for "it sucked".
A: "Did you get Children of Bodom's latest album? It ruled!"

B: "Umm, I listened to it but I never got into it."
by Aadvek September 28, 2006
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