what white people say when they know they cant say the n word
you niggardly as hell
by paul sukcs October 6, 2022
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This is a word meaning ungenerous or stingy. However it sounds racist and there have been multiple controversies over its usage.
Friend 1: Friend 2 gave me such a niggardly slice of the pizza at the party last night.
Friend 3: That is so racist
Friend 4: You are so mean. I didn’t mean that sarcastically. So not cool.
by 😩 daddy June 10, 2023
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A word to call somebody when they are offensive to you. The roots of it is the word ‘’jerk’’
Person 1: Haha, you’re an idiot!

Person 2: Shut up! You’re being niggardly
by Ali Abdul my king November 26, 2021
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Actions that could or most likely will cause financial loss, hardship, or general discomfort for others. Typically attributed to those of African descent.
Justin: Did you see that shit Jarod pulled on his boss yesterday?

Nick: No, what happened?

Justin: He called in to work but showed up for the pitch in lunch, then chirped out with Tupperware filled with food!

Nick: Damn bro! That’s pretty damn niggardly behavior!
by December 2, 2022
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Actions that could or most likely will cause financial loss, hardship, or general discomfort for others. Typically attributed to those of African descent.
Justin: Did you see that shit Jarod pulled on his boss yesterday?

Nick: No, what happened?

Justin: He called in to work but showed up for the pitch in lunch, then chirped out with Tupperware filled with food!

Nick: Damn bro! That’s pretty damn niggardly behavior!
by December 2, 2022
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