To get excited by a gadget, or cool technical detail.
Brian got a nerd on looking at Joannes expensive new stereo system
by Foxo February 6, 2005
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noun: The most dangerous people in the entire world. Nerds have invented machine guns, assault rifles, armor piercing ammunition, high explosives, napalm, tanks, anti-personnel mines, torpedoes, cannons, surface-to-air missiles, fighter aircraft, bombers, submarines, destroyers, battleships, aircraft carriers, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear bombs, and ICBMs
Every weapon of mass destruction ever concieved of or built was concieved of or built by nerds.
by weasel1969 September 8, 2007
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1. Unnecessarily large excitement over technology/science/anything about which one is a nerd. The mental equivalent of hardon, hard-on
2. A hard-on caused by a new piece of technology
'That new network router has given me a total nerd-on'

'I'm getting such a nerd-on reading about that 14th century architectural movement'

Geek 1: Oh man, this new cooling system has just given me a ten percent boost on 3Dmark.
Geek 2: Stop, You're giving me a nerd-on
by clareds March 18, 2005
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The person you will one day call "Boss"
bill gates, steve jobs, other very wealthy individuals
by hunter mayo June 3, 2005
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most people think of nerds as people who are smart and keep to themselves. in my opinion, there aren't really "nerds". they are called nerds because other people are jealous of them. i hate the word nerd. people can be smart and be normal they don't have to be nerds persay.........and i don't like nonsense definitions put on this dictionary, like the defintion of was. instead of nerds, smart people should be called what they are, smart people who are just like that.
person 1- hey nerd. i heard you got all those a's down.
person 2- nerd...nerd? why are you calling me a nerd? at least i get a's and not f's!!

the person isn't a nerd, although it's better to get a's and not f's. duh.
by Night Hawk January 31, 2007
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A lifetime of insults because of their superior intellect and supposed lack of social skills. The latter is not always true.
Nerds do have a circle of friends from a variety of stereotypes. They may just prefer their own company, other nerds' company or may not have the time to socialise with others. Or, find other more overbearing people, for example, a jock, overbearing, rude, arrogant, and hypocritical to name a few.
It is also the nerds who invented the tv, computer, radio just amongst a small set of things, which are used in most of today's society for many social, yes, social events, for example, sports and sports clubs, which are used to a jocks' advantage (a touch hypocritical from those jocks who insult nerds)!
Nerds, through use of their brains, ideas, have contributed to a more advanced society, and their inventions and intelligence, despite their constant abuse and insults from others, are being made to good use by many non-nerds, and making their jobs more easier than it once was.
Nerds are often good-hearted people with righteous morals, and don't deserve the negative stereotypes they are betrayed as by jocks in particular.
It is nerds who have made other stereotypes (eg. jocks') jobs that much easier.
If we were all stereotyped the same way, wouldn't that make for a boring world? Or even a thoughtless, immoral one where we all have to be like this, that, etc etc?
Other stereotype: "Sometimes we tend to forget just how useful nerds have been to society."
"Good to make fun of because they're weak, unfit, don't have a life, are still virgins, and because we use the same stuff like computers, tv, cameras, radios that they were good for."
"And what do they ever get from anybody in return?"
by youdon'tknowme! February 29, 2012
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Guys with IQ higher than your weight. You made fun of them when you were at school but you would be lucky if you get employed as janitors in their businesses.
I am nerd and proud of it.
by George February 26, 2004
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