"No Butt Syndrome."
This Chick was soo fine but she suffered from NBS, "No Butt Syndrome," otherwise I would've fucked that shit up.
by T-money25 November 6, 2006
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A unit used to quantify ass shaking ability, originally an abbreviation of Nasty Black Stripper. A few reference points follow for better understanding

0 NBS - your standard white guy
4 NBS - your standard drunk chick
7 NBS - Shakira
10 NBS - "this stripper I saw in Egypt once" (the stripper after whom the unit is named)

For clarification NBS is a unit, not a scale, leaving this open ended with the possibility of more than 10 NBS (although this is extremely unlikely)

In addition NBS is sometimes used with 'degree' in a way reminiscent of the martial arts, see the examples that follow
- Dude, check out that stripper, I didn't know that was possible
- Oh man that's gotta be like 9 NBS right there

- ok, highdea, stripperella done right, this chick can shake her ass so fast, that it breaks the speed of sound, and the resulting sonic boom stops villains in their tracks
- oh no way man, that's like 27th degree NBS abilities
by afrodyke November 16, 2010
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No be small. This is mainly used in the Ghanaian and Nigerian social media to suggest it's not a small issue we are talking about
Nbs sleep man go sleep today
by Maxicifer October 11, 2020
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Abbreviation for the phrase, 'Not bad' taking the n and the b for, nb!
Ryan: Hey mate, how are you?
Tom: nb, you?
by Agent-VIP July 4, 2005
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Abbreviation for…

1. Non-black (not a black person)
2. Non-binary (person whose gender identity is not male or female)
3. Nobody
Nb” has multiple meanings and can vary based on context
by 100PercentEthylAlcohol July 28, 2022
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natural born skiller
Someone who is able to do something well without having done it ever before.
Me: He is such a pro in billard, it was the first time he was playing vs. me, but I had no chance.
Friend: He seems to be a nbs, he told me it was the first time he played Counterstrike and he totally f***** me.
by xXxXx March 1, 2005
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nb ever listens to me😞
by Carebear😂 May 22, 2020
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