A major religious group, one of the three Semitic religions. Believes in complete subjugation to god, and that the Koran is the immutable revealed truth which shall be for all time to come.

Unfortunately, a large section of muslims take this to mean that the Koran, being of god, shall prevail over all laws of man. For example, they believe that democracy is the law of people, not god, and so it is not for the devout muslim. Further, the contents of the Koran (evolved several hundred years back in a nomadic, warlike, women-suppressing community) are believed to be equally valid now.
Thus, it is extremely hard to find a truly democratic Muslim-majority country (perhaps Turkey is an exception). In consequence, most islamic countries are dogged by theocracy, civil war, decimation of minorities (look at the plight of hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh) or more recently, the killing of most pigs in Egypt, ostensibly in the name of H1N1, but really because the pig-growers were all coptic christians.

In countries where islam is dominant, there is war between factions or between secularists and islamists. In the countries where they are minorities, they have problems with the majority community (no matter which community this is--look at Mindanao, where one of the most pacific people, the Philippinos, are finding it difficult to coexist because of the Abu Salem group).
by Nissanga_the_Pacifist July 23, 2009
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Some Muslims use their faith as an excuse to kill innocents.
by Cortana Dragoon July 16, 2005
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Someone who follows Islam.
After believing in Islam, one is a Muslim.
by Trollgasm May 31, 2011
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A muslim is someone who practices islam. nothing more than that. islam is a monotheistic (1 god) religion that (believe it or not) incluedes many stories from the bible and the torah. It is believed that Allah (God) sent 4 books. the 1st 1 i 4get the name, but itz 4 the Janeists, then the torah 4 the Jews, then the bible 4 christians, then quran 4 muslims. suicide is sin and jihad is only if some1 else is trying 2 hurt u and ur religion 1st. hurting women and children is not permitted. I am a muslim, but a regular girl too. I go to public school, take stupid pics w/ bffs, throw parties or go to them, i complain about midterms and finals, i luagh at fart jokes, or any other joke really, i laugh at nigahiga & charlie the unicorn, and i <3 kitties!!!!! sum muslims choose 2 wear hijabs (i dont), its only a choice, but it doesnt mean ur less than a man or a terrorist. islam preaches for women to respect men and men to respect women equally. (this is a story said in my own words, not the qurans) our prophet, prophet muhammad once stopped at a jewish funeral 2 pay his respects. sum dude wuz like "yo muhammad, u do realize that dudes jewish" muhammad wuz all like "he is still a human being." I luv all ppl but cry my eyes out at nite 2 c ppl r still badmouthing my religion and more ppl agree than disagree.
I am a practicig muslim myself living in america and has dreams of being on broadway. I <3 splish splash, churros, kitties, and my bffs (christian/jewish/hindu/other bffs 2!!!!)
by nuthead678 January 12, 2011
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A follower of the religion Islam which means achieving peace through submitting oneself completely to Allah (God in Arabic). Contrary to popular belief, less than 19% of Muslims are from the Arab world. Muslims come from all over the world, there are Chinese Muslims, American Muslims, African American Muslims, Australian Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, etc...
Shahadah: declaration of faith;" There is no God but God and Muhammad is his messenger"
Salat- Prayer; Muslims pray five times a day in order to reflect on past errors and ask God for Forgiveness for any misdeeds,prayer is a direct dialogue between the worshiper and God
Zakat- charity; involves giving to those in need 2.5 % of one's wealth, redistribution of wealth in society and if applied properly can successfully eliminate poverty, giving beyond the obligatory charity is expected of every Muslim- even meeting another with a smile is considered charity
Sawm- Fasting; fasting from dawn until dusk, during month of Ramadan ( lunar calendar of Muslims), by abstaining from things that are necessary for survival, it is a lot easier to abstain from things that are not necessary for survival such as lying, gossiping, etc...
Hajj- Pilgrimage; once in a lifetime obligation of every Muslim who is physically and financially able, wear simple clothing- white clothing that strips all class and culture, everyone stands equal before God
Person 1: Who is a Muslim?
Person 2: one who submits to God
by Muslim Woman March 15, 2012
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A peaceful religion which only believes in spreading love, peace, weapons (oops) peace, love (did i say peace?)

We are a bunch of people who believe in Allah. And we believe that you should believe in Him (ALMIGHTY ALLAH THE SAVIOUR OF SOULS BPTMGHST) too, because He is the supreme saviour- the Big Daddy of all gods.
Allah is numero uno. Your god is not numero uno. So bow down before I blow myself up!
Don't call Muslims violent again! Else I chop your head off!
by hubbaf June 30, 2009
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amazing people that follow the religion of Islam. They are very peaceful, respectful people that follow the word of Allah and messages of Muhammad. the religion teaches of respect and kindness towards others, rather than doing wrong. They know to control their anger and be positive.
by Accept it! June 20, 2017
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