consumption of rediculous amounts of food, usually junk food, after smoking marijuana. contrary to popular belief, you aren't actually "hungry" persay- it's more like you lose self control when you're high. you don't care if you get fat, you just crave the sensation of eating, like if you'd never eaten before. you also don't ever feel full even though you might be aware that you are.
"I had some powerful munchies last night. I had a bratworst and drank some straight mustard, and six almond joys and some salted cheetoes with ketchup and pepper"

"I got the munchies like a mofo. got any cookies?"
by yummy mustard February 12, 2006
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After toking, everything just tastes like, well, magic.

If you smoke at home, you'll find when you sober up that all the food you would normally not eat because of expiry date or it just plainly tastes like shit is gone.
rip that bong and get them munchies goin bro.
by sebastiancee November 4, 2007
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contrary to popular belief the munchies is not so much hunger it is a strong desire to eat because when your high/stoned everything tastes better
by Bopachinas October 8, 2008
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The feeling many people experience after smoking cannabis sativa usually characterized by an increased sense of hunger and appetite. When one has "the munchies" they are not always very hungry, but become attracted to the feeling caused by eating as tastes and smells are greatly enhanced.
After smoking, my friends and I always have the munchies so we head to the gas station and get food.
by djluminus89 December 5, 2006
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Occurs when you are suddenly hungry after you smoked a couple of joints
"Yo, I got the munchies! Let's order a pizza!"
by SuperSonicX June 12, 2005
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