A "classic" car, motorbike, or boat that old farts purchase from one another under the auspices of fixing up and restoring, but is invariably neglected, and allowed to continue to deteriorate upon their own driveway or lot.

AKA junker Fixer Upper project car
"You heard Tim took over a Rust Mortgage? That thing's gonna sit in the grass until it turns to dust."
by PanfrySamurai September 5, 2018
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Paying a prostitute to fuck you in the ass with a dildo.
Sam 'What's your rate per hour for a reverse mortgage?'
by Loonlake June 26, 2013
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Another way of saying "too expensive" or "I cant afford it". More commonly used amongst friends who like to blow their money on random shit.
pompous friend - Guys, lets go to the Ballet after an entire day of go karting.

working class person - Im sorry dude, Im going to have to take out a second mortgage to go, so I will pass.
by Abu B Sal October 3, 2009
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A man or woman who engages in paying the mortgage too long in a bad marriage or living arrangement, and then feels taken advantage of at the end of the relationship.
Harry felt like a Mortgage Mule. He took care of his wife and family for years, then found out his wife cheated, and was just using him to pay the mortgage, so she had security and a place to sleep.
by Mamahipster December 22, 2011
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A person who evaluates and mitigates risk for financial institutions. Underwriters are often under appreciated, underpaid punching bags for loan officers, processors. Often times they also become scape goats for upper management. Underwriters are also considered the most hated and vile beings within the lending world.
After asking for further documentation, the loan officer proceeded to the office of the mortgage underwriter and beat her with the stack of documents she requested and then urinated on her.
by Ldysc January 25, 2018
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Someone who is boss-eyed. One eye goes one-way and the other eye goes a different way. One eye is fixed, one is variable - hence, mortgage eyes.
Look at that cunt with the mortgage eyes...
by WaveyDavey258 April 2, 2021
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The feeling that sets in when you realize the value of your house is approaching zero.
How do you feel about the halted construction in your neighborhood?
I'm stiff with rigor mortgage.
by Robopoet February 22, 2008
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