Monsanto as a company lies, incredibly, about what they are doing. They bribe officials around the world and they seem to treat the world as their toilet. That’s not right for the rest of us.

Produces roundup and now producing the nations food!

Tried to kill us all by injecting bovine growth hormone your cows!
Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation, political lobbying practices, seed commercialization practices and "strong-arming" of the seed industry have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the alter-globalization movement and environmental activists. As a result of its business strategies and licensing agreements, Monsanto came under investigation by the U.S. Justice Department in 2009.
by Daisydew August 14, 2011
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A major agriculture and biotech firm, best known for developing transgenic crop seeds.

Monsanto is used as a catch-all villain in many natural heath/organic food/manarchist groups that is blamed for every evil thing ever done in the history of the world. This is due to a lack of good science education, and a lot of misinformation about GMO crops, Monsanto's business practices, and agribusiness in general.

Syngenta, Cargill, and Dow Chemical also develop GMO seed varieties, pesticides, and Dow Chemical manufactured napalm, but do not receive the same amount of mob ire as Monsanto.

Tl;dr Monsanto is a large corporation no better or worse than any other giant corporation, Whole Foods does unethical shit too, stop yelling and take a nap.
The Food Babe blamed Monsanto for making her sick. Turns out she didn't get a flu shot and got the flu.
by existentialtoasteroven October 11, 2015
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To Poison; to lay bare; to remove all life; to destroy as in "Agent Orange"
Damn, my arborvitae have all been eaten by bagworms! Next year I'm a go Monsanto on it
by leftydog1961 August 11, 2020
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Josh is very child-like. He complains a lot and love McDonald fries with a strawberry banana smoothie. He is a one-trick Katarina player on League of Legends and loves to camp botlane.
Josh Monsanto: It's so hot.
Friend: OMG Josh, it's not even that hot.
Josh: Ugh, you're cool.
by 420blackcatslover September 20, 2022
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