An endearing way to say bitch. It's a filler word for a bad word (any bad word).
Two kids playing rocket league: One kid let's the other team score.

The other kids sighs and says "YOU fucking MONGALOIDE."
by SK ;) April 30, 2023
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Derived from the term 'mongol', to describe someone who has downs syndrome (retard).
You utter mongaloid
by donn January 19, 2003
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"Hey I just blew off 50 bucks on soap"
"You absolute Mongaloid"
by Dr drillem October 13, 2019
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A naked midget that runs around the woods in the middle of the night humping peoples legs
I will never walk threw the woods again last time i did i got atacked by a mongaloid!!!
by $$$$$$$Ron July 29, 2006
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A hideous female beast. Typically seen in bars or other night-life venues trolling for unsuspecting overally intoxicated men to take advantage of. They have also been know to travel in packs or herds.
How much have you had to drink tonight? I see a pack of mongaloids eyeing us from a far.
by Elyk311 October 17, 2011
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