God money I'll do anything for you.
God money just tell me what you want me to.
God money nail me up against the wall.
God money don't want everything he wants it all.
by Kain October 26, 2004
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The basic term used to refer to any form of currency. In the US and several other countries, the dollar is used. In Japan, it's the Yen, in almost all of Europe, it's the Euro. The dollar (US) is worth the most of all the scores of different types.

Money can be used to buy almost anything that can be classified as a Noun. Even other money. (As long as it can be touched. Be mature about this... please?)
by Unknown May 22, 2003
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A piece of paper that controls your entire life.
person 1: wanna go shopping?
person 2: Can't, don't have any money.
by o^o May 5, 2014
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To encourage those to be out of their homes and within an area of society where majority of public are located....ruling the roost by forcing those to live harder.
After the neandrethal had found themselves out of the woods, by the luring of the nightly wolves under moonlight. The then change in life was to bring them out of their homes, too, thus the encouragement to pay their ways with money. Similar to finding themselves out of the woods, but to control the masses to be in a location of civilisation.
by Long Johns September 4, 2015
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The answer to every question with no logical or acceptable explanation.
"Why didn't Indiana Joe have a face in the Super Mario bros. Super show?" "Because money."
by Yoyomom October 3, 2018
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