A word to describe a false or , half truth statement that was made by a girl name Misty. Also an alter reality of the truth to benefit Misty. A psycho bitch's misinterpretation, or manipulation of the truth to benefit ones self named Misty. A lie told by a girl named Misty. Another word for bull shit spoken by Misty. A super slutty hore aka SSH , named Misty that spreads nothing but lies and has/will cause disruption of other peoples lives or destruction of marriages. A true statement spoken by a girl name Misty that should have never been repeated. In general , anything that comes out of a supper slutty psycho hore's mouth named Misty ,and yes that means even your cock.
"That shit sounds like it's been mistyfied."
"Misty told me that she was my friend and then turned around and slept with my man."
"Damn ,that's mistyfied!"
"My fucking ex has mistyfied everything about our relationship to everyone she has met."
"I think my dick caught something when it was mistyfied."
by Maid Mercy November 2, 2006
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The feeling you get in your chest and throat when you meet the most beautiful creature ever created.
Count gil out for any future events I witnessed him get mistyfied last night.
by Mind_surgeon July 3, 2022
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